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DAOZHAN: Divination Resource for Taoist Calculation, (C) 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020. Complete with all 6 books (see below). (905 pgs.; 93 figures); $120.00. (please see sample by clicking on hyperlink above for more info)

The holy sages were divine, hence they knew the future; they were wise, hence they stored up the past.- Yijing as quoted in Da Liu

The word Tao (Dao) means 'way,' or more specifically 'way of truth.' This book concisely presents methods of Taoist divination (zhan), or mystic mathematics (shu), which is structured by an intricately unfolding pantheon cosmology. Taoist divination provides the practitioner with a clear perspective of the source of creation through the application of the philosophy of nature. Focusing on the source, improves the quality of life by defining the path of immortality, which is followed by the Taoist adept (daoren) for becoming the sage (shengren). Divination is fundamentally applied as a cosmological code (earth-external) and philosophical guide (heaven-internal) for facilitating the success of interior alchemy (neidan) (the process of returning the spirit to the divine origin).

When the ideogram for divination (zhan) is broken apart, the upper radical translates as 'upper' and the lower 'mouth.' This analysis of 'upper mouth' implies the meaning 'divine message.'  The interpretations of divination, particularly the methods of astrology, a derivative of astronomy (mathematics in space-time), prompted the derivation of Yijing (Book of Changes) oracle symbols, which lead to the invention of writing. Divination opens communication with heaven through various conjunctive methods. Correct timing (astrology), orientation (geomancy), and design (alchemy) allows the revelation of the oracle to whisper the way of truth.

Taoist divination makes the unpredictable predictable through the interpretation of evident natural patterns. It is the mathematical tool that observes a natural philosophy (spiritual principles) for regulating an intuitive practice (physical instincts). Divination is a way of formulating intuitive ritual through mystic calculation. It transforms the concept of coincidence into integrated event synchronicity through intuitive interpretation. Since prediction and calculation have the same meaning in Chinese (suan), they did not distinguish between numerology and mathematics.

Taoist divination, a diagnostic discipline of Taoist medicine, is the art of understanding reality (predicting portents) by utilizing such modalities as astrology, geomancy, Yijing calculation, and biomancy (analysis of the face, body and hand). Astrology predicts the inherited fortune (karmic condition) bestowed by heaven. Geomancy predicts the fortune in personal harmony with the environment. Body and face analysis predicts the fortune in one's outer appearance. Hand analysis predicts the fortune in one's inner self (personality). Yijing oracle mathematics provides the symbolic cosmic code as philosophical guidance for spiritual alchemy.

  DAOZHAN Workbook. © 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020.  (143 pgs.; 60 figures); $33.00.

DAOZHAN chapters are also available in separate books (see sample above):

  [BOOK 1] HISTORY OF TAOISM: Philosophy-Religion of Immortality. © 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020.  (215 pgs.; 31 figures); $33.00.

  [BOOK 2] COSMOLOGY (YUZHOUXUE): Mythology of Metaphysic. © 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020.  (280 pgs.; 61 figures); $33.00.

 [BOOK 2ASTROLOGY (ZHANXINGSHU): Timing of Divine Return. © 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020. (196 pgs.; 26 figures); $33.00.

  [BOOK 4] TAOIST GEOMANCY (FENGSHUI): Orientation of Environmental Harmony. © 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020. (156 pgs.; 24 figures); $33.00.

 [BOOK 5] TAOIST BIOMANCYBody, Face, and Hand Analysis. © 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020. (130 pgs.; 23 figures); $33.00.

 [BOOK 6] COSMIC CODE OF TAO (YIJING): Science of Divination and Art of Philosophy. © 2nd ed. 2005; 3rd ed. 2015-2020. (324 pgs.; 54 figures); $33.00.

 GARDEN WOODS WIND WATER (YUAN LIN FENG SHUI): Geomantic Horticulture (C) 2020. (287 pgs.) $60.

The inspiration to compile and write this reference text on the classical Chinese ‘garden-landscape’ (yuan lin), and build a traditional feng shui plant table, came through the necessity to more deeply understand and hence expand on the “Garden” feature of the “Geomancy” section of Daozhan: Divination Resource for Taoist Calculation, (3rd edition).

The objectives of this text, ‘Garden Woods Wind Water’ (Yuan Lin Feng Shui), include:
Definition: to expand upon a considered feature, the garden, in the divinatory practice of Chinese-Taoist geomancy (KanyuFeng Shui);
Introduction: to describe the classical Chinese landscape garden, within the context of geomancy, by term, form, function, user or participant, and feature;
History: to summarize and outline historical developments and examples of Chinese geomantic (feng shui) gardening/horticulture, which have been in existence since the inception of Chinese civilization (Shang dynasty), and have influenced the creation of the modern Western (ie. European and American) gardens in recent history; this section includes explanations on- i) the interchange between the classical Chinese garden and Chinese art and literature; ii)  the classical Chinese garden taking a natural philosophical direction, or following the ecstatic Taoist path towards immortality; iii)  the influence of the classical Chinese garden abroad (ie. Japan, Europe) through the visitation of the Chinese gardens, cultural exchanges, and the initial writings on Chinese feng shui gardens by Westerners;
Design: to summarize and outline the main ideas behind the design of the Chinese classical garden, or scholar garden, through the identification and explanation of: i)  the various types of garden design features; ii)  the five basic design principles; iii) some basic guidelines; iv) planning aspects;
Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Plants (table): to build a quick reference guide for traditional plants native to China, in an outlined tabular format, which compiles pertinent plant information (see criteria below) for geomantic use; the table is divided into 3 columns: i)  identification: names, photographs and drawings; ii) energetics: polarity, symbolism; iii) description (of species and genus): plant type, foliage, landscape uses, native habitat, general description; cultivation; feng shui use;
This text depicts classical China as an ancient origin for the geomantic art of gardening or horticulture, used not only for encouraging natural ornamental beauty to inspire the ecstatic quest for immortality, but also for the more practical purposes of producing food, medicine, art, and influencing culture. Perhaps this ancient horticultural origin was due to the fact that many of the plants used and celebrated in gardening today are native to China.



CANON OF SUPREME MYSTERY (TAIXUANJING). (C) 2015-2020. (95 pgs); $33.00.


















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